Friday, October 30, 2009

Paganism On The Rise: The NYT Celebrates

The New York Times has an interesting article today. Apparently, Paganism is growing, and that's just fine, at least according to the NYT.

Paganism has always been seen as the "alright religion" by the Left. It's hip, cool, different. Not at all like those stuffy christians.

"In several ways, though, Paganism was waiting for modernity to catch up with it. The emphasis on the worship of nature in virtually all variations of Pagan faith, and the embrace of a female divinity in many, situated the religion to mesh with the environmental and feminist movements that swept through the United States in the 1970s."
"In several ways, though, Paganism was waiting for modernity to catch up with it. The emphasis on the worship of nature in virtually all variations of Pagan faith, and the embrace of a female divinity in many, situated the religion to mesh with the environmental and feminist movements that swept through the United States in the 1970s."
So while Progressive activists try to cut the tax exempt status of Christian churches nation wide, churches that do more charity work than any other group in the country, they at the same time fight for it for the "alright religion."

Does the New York Times point out any of the problems with this? No, instead it pushes a very positive view of pagans as an oppressed group, finally coming into their own.


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